Bite-size wisdom (build one another up, do not tear down!)

I also would like to occasionally post maxims—brief little sayings that can speak volumes about the spiritual life. Maxims have always been part of the Christian tradition: The Book of Sirach, Proverbs, the proverbs and sayings of Jesus (i.e.—“it is more blessed to give than to receive”—Acts 20:35), the early hermits and desert fathers, and St. John of the Cross, to name a few. Read, and mull over. Enjoy!
“To criticize, to destroy, is not difficult;
the clumsiest laborer knows how to drive his pick into the noble and finely hewn stone of a cathedral.
To construct—that is what requires the skill of a master.”
St. Josemaria Escrivá, The Way, #456
(see related Scripture passages: Rom 14:19; 15:2; and 1 Thess 5:11)
[PS: Just who is St. Josemaria Escrivá? He was the founded of Opus Dei (again, famous to most from the DaVinci Code book and film) and was recently canonized. To find out more about Opus Dei (no, they are not really a band of murderous albino monks) go to their website:
A biography of St. Josemaria: ]
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