A Good Friday Prayer

This is a prayer that was handed down to my mother... and she, in turn, handed it down to me. I was in highschool when she first gave it to me and I prayed it every year as she reminded me. Even when my life was not very centered on God, I was spiritually grounded again every Good Friday by this prayer:
This prayer is to be said 33 times between 12 and 3pm [in rememberance of the 33 years of our Lord's earthly life]
O My Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly beg of Thee, by the merits of Thy precious blood, by Thy Divine Heart, and by the intercession of Thy most cruel death, to assist me in this my most pressing necessity. Amen
Pray the following after 3pm--33 times [3pm--the hour of mercy]
O My Lord Jesus Christ by the Agony in the Garden, by the Scourging at the Pillar, by the Crowning of Thorns, and by Thy cruel death have mercy on me and grant my petition.
O Lord Jesus, I implore that I may love Thee more and more.
Labels: Holy Week, Lent, spirituality
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